
Thinking of attending a worship service at Cameron Emmanuel Lutheran Church, but not sure what to expect? We realize that visiting a new church can be a little intimidating, so we’d like to answer some common questions.

What kind of a church is Cameron Emmanuel?
The kind of church that loves all people with God’s sacrificial, Christ-centered love.

What should I wear?
Join us in whatever makes you feel comfortable. What matters is that you are here!

What denomination is Cameron Emmanuel affiliated with? 
We are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

What time should I arrive?
Sunday worship time is at 10:00am. Most parishioners arrive 10 min before the start of the service

How do I get to Cameron Emmanuel Church?
Cameron Emmanuel is located at 12633 Cameron Rd Kendrick, ID 83537

Additional notes for visiting Cameron Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Parking is available around two sides of the church. If the church parking lot is full additional parking is available across the road or along the road shoulder next to the parsonage.

Cameron Emmanuel is an accessible church. The ADA entrance is located on the north side of the building allowing access to the majority of the upper floor. To access the basement there is an elevator available in the narthex, please talk to an usher for assistance if you would like to utilize it.

On Sundays where Holy Communion is served, if you are unable to come to the altar and wish to receive communion or a blessing, please talk to an usher and it will be brought to you.

If you have any concerns regarding accessibility please talk to an usher or a member of the council.

Children and their families are vital to our life and ministry at Cameron Emmanuel. Children are always welcome in worship. In the cry of a baby, or the fussiness of a toddler, we hear a new voice that speaks to God, reminding us that children are a blessing and a joy. Activity bags are available — ask an usher. 

As you walk through the gathering space and toward the sanctuary, ushers will greet you and offer you a copy of the day’s bulletin. The bulletin contains the order of the service, which includes the parts of the service, hymn numbers, and parts spoken by the congregation as part of worship.  You are invited to find a seat anywhere you are comfortable.

Accessible restrooms are available on the top floor of the building near the north entrance to the building. Basement restrooms are located down the hallway next to the kitchen.

All are welcome at the Lord’s Supper; we do not differentiate between members and visitors, so please come and partake.

Methods of Communion at Cameron Emmanuel are:

Service at the altar:
When communion is offered at the altar, the pastor will first offer you a piece of bread, which you may eat at that time. The communion assistant will then offer you the wine. We offer options for how you may receive the wine. The most common with our members is selection of an individual cup served from a tray. Within the tray there are both alcoholic wine (red wine in the outer rings) and non-alcoholic grape juice (white grape juice in the inner circle). We also honor tradition by offering the common cup containing red wine. Simply let the assistant know your preference for use of the common cup.

We occasionally partake in communion via intinction where you take the bread/wafer and dip it in the wine (in the common cup) before consuming. Please note, both grape juice and wine are offered.

You may choose to receive a blessing in lieu of communion. If you wish to receive a blessing please cross your arms over your shoulders forming an “x” and the pastor will provide you with a blessing.

For those who wish not to partake in the wine, be assured that the crucified and risen Christ is fully present in, with, and under the one element of bread.

In the Lutheran tradition we come forward to the altar to receive communion, if you are unable to come forward and wish to receive communion or a blessing, please inform the ushers.

Members and visitors may sit anywhere they prefer. Worship is conducted similar to most mainline Christian churches. There will be some music, some singing, some readings, and a sermon/message. At times the congregation is asked to stand, but individuals may continue sitting if they prefer. Hymns are listed in the bulletin.


Prelude:  During this time music is played, which allows individuals to prepare themselves mentally and spiritually for worship. 

Singing:  We have both the congregation and the choir sing at different points in our service. Enjoy the many instruments and the variety of old and new songs during worship. We pride ourselves in the talents of our pianists who help to reinforce God’s message. 

Readings:  Readings from scripture are read by a member. Sometimes “call and response” readings are used (a reader and the congregation take turns reading or singing scripture) during this time. One passage is always from the Gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). The passages are selected from the Revised Standard Lectionary, a list of readings chosen for the church year. 

Children’s Message: In our service, children are called to come to the front, where our pastor provides a short message about the day’s topic, geared toward children.  Your children are welcome to come or may stay with you if that makes them more comfortable. 

Sermon:  The pastor, or sometimes a designated person, reflects on the scripture readings to help us understand and relate the messages to our daily lives. 

Offering:  We glorify God in our giving. Our offering is an act of worship that makes ministry possible. This offering at the service will help support Cameron Emmanuel Lutheran Church and its outreach ministries. A portion also goes to our national church body for mission and ministry around the world. Offering plates are passed among the congregation to receive free-will offerings. 

Communion:  Cameron Emmanuel has an open table. This means that we do not distinguish between members and visitors. All, including visitors, are welcome to participate in our communion.

Closing Hymn and Benediction:  A hymn is chosen to uplift people and prepare them to reenter the world. The benediction marks the end of worship with words that remind us of the day’s scriptures and links them to what we can do as we go out. 

Fellowship:  Once worship is over, individuals may leave as they wish, but many choose to stay in the gathering space where people can get to know each other. Visitors are especially encouraged to join us to talk and ask questions. 

Please note a special fellowship time happens once a month where we celebration the month’s birthdays. Additional fellowship times may be available, please consult your bulletin that day or visit with the pastor for more information.


Should you ever need Pastor Craig Groseclose please feel free to call him directly 208-289-3471. If you know of someone who is scheduled for surgery or is in the hospital, please let us know. If there is an emergency, if you would like a pastoral visit at home, or if you simply have questions about life, faith or getting more involved, calling him directly is always the best way to connect.

Considering arranging a baptism, wedding or funeral at Cameron Emmanuel? Please contact the church office  to discuss further arrangements. Click Here to contact the church office